Chicken or Sausage!?
Now I'm a married guy, and I like women it's true, though
I hide this under a veil of disinterest as like I said
I'm married. Truth be told I take the opportune moment
to steal a peak at "other" women but like I tell my wife
it's purely for reference for my art. Now I had a look at
my art collection(Art I've created not purchased) and lo
and behold it's a sausage fest. Guys, monsters, muscular
alpha male types brandishing axes' sword's blah blah,
women in my folio roughly 2. So what's my point?
If I ever want to look at reference again, I had better
bash out some chick pic's!actually, females do pose quite
a few conundrums for comic book rehab artists like myself.
How do we make them look like not just another cliche?
you know large breasts and just wearing a bikini to a world
war you know the annoying predictable stuff. Actually when
I figure that out I will post, but for now here's a cliche.
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